Johnson, I. R., & Pietri, E. S. (2024). Signaling safety and fostering fairness: Exploring the psychological processes underlying (in)congruent cues among Black women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Advance online publication.
Derricks, V., Pietri, E. S., Dinh, T., & Johnson, I. R. (2023). Not my organization: Exploring the efficacy of organizational solidarity statements as identity-safety cues for Black Americans. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Advance online publication.
Mosier, A. E., Pietri, E. S., & Johnson, I. R. (2023). Inspiring visibility: Exploring the role of identification and solidarity for alleviating Black women’s invisibility in politics. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 26 (6).
Lewis, A. N., Pietri, E. S., & Johnson, I. R. (2023). Close but not quite: Exploring the role of shared discrimination in racial outgroup identity-safety cues for Black women. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 104.
Derricks, V., Johnson, I. R., & Pietri, E. S. (2022). Black (patients’) lives matter: Exploring the role of identity-safety cues in healthcare settings among Black Americans. Journal of Health Psychology.
Johnson, I. R., Pietri, E. S., Buck, D. M., & Daas, R. (2021). What's in a pronoun: Exploring gender pronouns as an organizational identity-safety cue among sexual and gender minorities. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 97, 104194.
Johnson, I. R., & Pietri, E. S. (2020). An ally you say? Endorsing White women as allies to encourage perceptions of allyship and organizational identity-safety among Black women. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
Pietri, E. S., Johnson, I. R., Majid, S., & Chu, C. (2020). Seeing what’s possible: Videos are more effective than written portrayals for enhancing the relatability of scientists and promoting Black female students’ interest in STEM. Sex Roles.
Pietri, E. S., Drawbaugh, M. L., Lewis, A. N., & Johnson, I. R. (2019). Who encourages Latina women to feel a sense of identity-safety in STEM? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 84,
Johnson, I. R., Pietri, E. S., Fullilove, F., & Mowrer, S. (2019). Exploring identity-safety cues and allyship among Black women students in STEM environments. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 43, 131-150.
Pietri, E. S., Johnson, I. R., & Ozgumus, E. (2018). One size may not fit all: Exploring how the intersection of race and gender and stigma consciousness predict effective role models for Black women. Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, 74, 291-306.