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Dr. Johnson is the founder and principal consultant at EVOLVE Diversity Consulting Services. As our world becomes increasingly more diverse, identifying best practices to attract and support diverse individuals is a growing need. A passionate educator and researcher, Dr. Johnson recognizes that despite a growing need, few resources exist to assist individuals and organizations in identifying and implementing best practices. Dr. Johnson founded EVOLVE with that goal in mind: to work collaboratively with individuals, leaders, and organizations to educate them about research on best-practices to support diversity and inclusion.
EVOLVE is dedicated to helping others sustain and cultivate diversity through the practice of inclusion. Whether you are an individual, an academic institution, non-profit organization, or a business, EVOLVE’s goal is to work collaboratively with individuals and organizations to help them learn the practice of inclusion. Cultivating diversity through the practice of inclusion can be challenging – but EVOLVE is here to help. Providing education and evaluation services, EVOLVE assists with identifying evidenced-based practices, tailored to client's needs, to cultivate an environment inclusive and supportive of all identities.
"What is diversity? What is inclusion? Why does diversity matter for my organization? How do I attract diverse employees or clients? What is inclusive leadership? How do I support diverse faculty or students? How can I be confident my organization is doing 'diversity and inclusion' the right way?"
As the need for truly inclusive organizational & educational environments becomes increasingly important, many institutions and organizations recognize that diversity and inclusion are relevant, but struggle with where to begin. EVOLVE offers both education and evaluation services to help individuals, leaders, and organizations gain a better understanding of both diversity and inclusion. Whether you are in search of a speaker to share best practices to promote inclusive environments, you are a manager who wants to adopt an inclusive leadership style, or a company that wants to evaluate their existing climate to ensure your organization is truly inclusive, EVOLVE can help! We provide education and evaluation services tailored to our client's needs. Together, EVOLVE helps clients invest in their self, business, or organization by providing evidence-based best practices to cultivate diversity through the practice of inclusion.
Searching for a speaker or workshop leader for an event or conference? One-on-one coaching? Workshops? Diversity training? EVOLVE provides a variety of educational services tailored to the needs and interests of our clients. Potential topics and programming for provided educational services include:
Diversity & Inclusion 101
Implicit Bias in the Workplace
Will the Real Ally Please Stand Up: Leading an Allied Life
Cultivating Inclusion in Higher Education
Changing Organizational Climate & Culture
Inclusive Leadership
EVOLVE provides evaluation services to help assess perceptions of your organization, and identify best practices and policies to foster diversity and inclusion. Services include:
Organizational climate assessment to identify areas most in need of improvement
Collaboratively identifying goals most relevant to the organization in relation to diversity and inclusion
Development of an evidenced-based plan of action
Ongoing re-assessment to measure impact of action plan
Interested in learning more about EVOLVE Diversity Consulting Services ?

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